My Blog

Recently, I was thinking about one of the cases were you have to use the IDisposable pattern, the case were you need to unsubscribe from events and delegates to allow your object to get disposed by the Garbage Collector (some people miss that point), and this made me think about my hobby of overusing Lambda Expressions and if that might also cause similar problems. So I did a bunch of tests today and learned a lot of things and came up with a workaround that would make me avoid using the IDisposable pattern when all I need it for is to unsubscribe from events...

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So it’s almost a year since I last posted something on this blog, but it was a very busy year full of awesome events for me.
Last time I blogged (March 2011) was during my “empty semester” where I actually dropped everything and decided to go do my Bachelor Project in Augsburg, Germany :)
So here I’m going to talk about the awesome stuff I did there...

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I know some of you were expecting me to blog about my recent trip to Lebanon, but it’ll be a long post so I’m blogging about the next best thing, a little sample project I worked on during my trip to Lebanon, I wrote a very simple wrapper for the Minecraft Server in C# :) ...

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Today as I was checking my Twitter Timeline in the morning (as usual), I read about something that we all knew it was coming sooner or later but I was surprised that it was that early.
What is it? Windows Phone 7 has been Jail-broken, and a website was made for the tool used to Jail-break it !
Later today, I read a blog post containing a very harsh response to that tool, and explaining how guilty it’s developers are, I wrote a comment on that post trying to calm down the guy a bit and defending that tool, but the comment didn’t get posted yet (as of the time of writing this) and it was a very long comment, so I decided to explain my opinion in more detail here on my Blog :) ...

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On the 21st of September 2010 some time in the morning, a Twitter Hack (or Exploit) appeared and started to spread !
People started seeing blacked-out tweets and when they hovered over them they found themselves automatically retweeting them and others got redirected to other pages, however people using 3rd party Twitter client weren’t affected and saw Tweets with weird text instead.
I discovered it some time around 1pm GMT, and started to understand how it worked, and in this post I’m going to explain to you how the Hack worked :) ...

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I noticed that the talk about Silverlight vs. HTML/CSS/Javascript heated up recently, I don't know why, maybe it started because of this post (which was on the Silverlight Team blog) followed by these posts or maybe because Windows Phone 7 is about to be released (which will only run apps programmed with Silverlight or XNA) or maybe because HTML5 is getting more popular.
Anyways, it's in time with the (late) blog post that I wanted to write about the gallery app that I made some time ago, I'll express my opinion based on my experience with both technologies, but of course I wont be able to talk about Javascript in a lot of depth because I'm not that experienced with Javascript...

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It’s been a long time since I posted on my blog, I don’t know why because I have a lot of news to share with you but I didn’t have the time to blog about them.
Anyways, I’m back and I’ll try to make use of what’s left from my summer vacation :) ...

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A few days ago I started working on a Tool that would make creating HDR Images out of 2 over-exposed and under-exposed Images a very simple task !
I implemented it using HLSL (High Level Shader Language) as a Pixel Shader Function, why? because it’s faster that way and I want to get used to writing HLSL code :) ...

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Since everybody is writing Blog Post about the Visual Studio 2010 Launch Day, I decided to write my own too :)
If you’re following me on Twitter (or FaceBook) you’ll notice that I’ve tweeted about it (who didn’t anyway?)
Since I’m a not a pro and don’t have a lot to say, I’ll just link to other blog posts and I’ll talk about other things that are related to VS2010...

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I know it’s a bit late to blog about this, it’s just that I was busy during the last few days (and wasn’t able to manage my time properly) and I finally got the chance to write this now while sitting in the Train on my way to Alexandria.
Anyways, if you don’t know, Cairo Code Camp is a yearly event organized by a group called “dotNetwork”, this is the second year for this event, it was held in my University “The German University in Cairo” (GUC) in the 27th & 28th of February (last year it was held in the BUE), in this event a lot of speakers form around the world (usually MVPs) come to talk to us (mainly) about the new Technologies made by Microsoft, so this year there were sessions about the ASP.NET 4.0, C# 4.0, Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010...

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